Photo Booth!!!

10.25.2008 | |

It all started earlier this year when I decided I wanted a photobooth for our wedding. After lots and lots of research, we realized how expensive it was to rent one, and didn't have the thousands of dollars to spare. Did that stop us? NO! We decided to build one of our own. Matt's brother Michael helped with the materials and Ben was great enough to lend us his lap-
top and help hook it up. Viola! Immediately, other people liked the idea for themselves, so we decided to give it an "upgrade" and make it a full-blown professional booth (with the button and everything).

When we got back from our honeymoon, we heard about Adam & Krista: a couple just like us, who really wanted one (in fact, it was the one thing Krista wanted on her big day).. so we rented it out to them, and stayed the night tending to it. What a blast! Here are my favorites from this crazy bunch.

What's next? It's a great-looking booth (lit sign and everything), but our plan is to build a new one that's more durable, with a lighter material and some hare-brain ideas rolling around in our heads late at night. We are currently booking for 2009.


Krista said...

Hey guys! Thank you again so much for doing this. Everyone had so much with the photobooth. I actually know someone who is interested in renting the booth from you for an event at Smith College. Let me know if you are interested, my email is keekamarie AT

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